Sports activities

Sports activities

An even pulse, a toned figure, strong bones and muscles, energy after 50 years – this is not an advertisement for a new dietary supplement, but real opportunities that regular sports bring to a person. It is enough to gradually instill a love of physical activity. eg:

Recall the active rest, which brought pleasure in childhood. Roller skating, cycling, swimming in the pool, jogging with friends will help an adult get in shape, remove the effects of stress, overcome hypertension and normalize the pulse. The main thing is to work out systematically, starting from 15 minutes on the first day, increasing the duration of the workout throughout the week. This is enough to halve the chances of getting hypertension.

Sign up for fitness. After all, 2.5 hours of such activity per week will prolong youth by 5 years. Fitness improves coordination, helps you lose weight and make new healthy lifestyle friends.

Try cardio workouts. Running, cycling, Nordic walking, swimming normalizes the work of the cardiovascular system, restores disturbed metabolism, and reduces the increased heart rate. It’s not for nothing that runners are called “jogging junkies.” Already after 30 minutes of running, the body produces endorphins – the hormone of joy and euphoria. And after a run, the head is full of new ideas, and the heart rate quickly returns to normal, the vital signs improve.

And remember to recover from workouts. A daily sleep that lasts at least 8 hours will charge you better than a cup of coffee. Then there will be strength, and training will bring joy.